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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

AMAA Summer Training

Hi all,

This year we are going to try a test run of a summer program. Sorry for the late notice. Originally the forecast was for rain Tues-Friday this week, but right now I think we can get in our first summer training session Tuesday 7/31 (tomorrow). Next week (8/6 - 8/11) is my son's wedding week so there will be no training (unless another coach can do it). Below is the general information on how the summer training works and then below that is the specific information for this week. Everything is subject to change as since this is only a trial run.

AMAA Summer Training (General)

Only open to members already registered for the 2018-2019 AMAA year, for any sport. (Registrations will be accepted on site).

No extra cost, for this first year it is part of your 2018-19 registration fee.

Which sports and topics:
The sport (and even specific skills in each sport) will be determined by participant request. Right now I have only a few requests and they are for baseball/softball and basketball. It will not include soccer because separate pre-season soccer training will be starting in August also.

Watch for changes each week but most likely: Alley Springfield (76 Ave and Springfield Blvd) for Baseball/Softball, Football, Track and Volleyball (probably without a net for now) and for basketball it will either be the PS 205 schoolyard or the school yard behind the PS 188 ANNEX (old American Martyrs School corner of Union Tpke and Bell Blvd - NOT THE PS 188 on Kingsbury Ave).

Weeknights from 6-8PM (I will likely be there by 5:30). Saturday mornings from 9:00 - 10:15AM (I will be there at 8:30. I have to leave at 10:15 but it could go longer if other coaches can stay longer)

Subject to change based on the number of participants, but to start children who will be entering 7th grade or higher can be dropped off. All those entering 6th grade or lower must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a sign-in sheet so if send your child with another player's parent they can sign them in. Whoever brings your child will be responsible to 1) ensure they do not leave the venue on their own o, 2) be responsible to take them when the training ends, and 3) take them if they have to leave the venue (to go to the bathroom, minor injury, lost interest, etc.).

You are responsible to bring the clothing and equipment appropriate for the training. I know it's hot, but there usually is some diving and sliding involved in baseball/softball so I don't recommend shorts - but they are allowed. Water/drinks are a must, proper cleats are highly suggested. Commonly shared items like balls and bats are suggested, but not required. Please put your name on your personal items.

The week of 7/30 - 8/5. 

  • Tuesday 7/31 from 6-8PM. Baseball/Softball fielding.
  • Saturday 8/4 from 9-10:15 SHARP. Baseball/Softball throwing.

If anyone wants to let me know if they are coming, or wants to make a request for a different sport/topic please send an email to me at DBACCI@NYC.RR.COM

Since this is the first time and it is short notice, there is the possibility that no one shows up. if no one shows up, I will be leaving at 6:15 tomorrow and 9:15 on Saturday. If you are coming and running late, text me at 917-334-0875 and I will stay. I have no problem staying the entire time with as little as 1 member! If there is the possibility of rain, you can call my cell and my greeting message will let you know if I have cancelled. 917-334-0875.


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